LJ's T-Rex ambi AR15 charging handle-

Your Price: $19.50
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Part Number:CH-TREX-AR15
LJ's T-Rex ambi AR15 charging handle- 
 Here is the latest ambi charging handle - This looks similar to a few of the $90+ charging handles on the market but it is not. The quality is the same, function is the same, BUT the price IS NOT.. * Made from only the highest quality Aircraft aluminum in upstate new york. * weights the same as a normal charging handle and installs the same * Works on all AR15 platforms * Easy to install * Ambi detach as you can pull the left or right hand side to release from the upper receiver. It is about the same weight as a normal Mil-Spec charging handle. The tab on the right side of the handle is connected to the left tab by a linkage so that the move together. You can pull either the right or left tab to unlatch the handle. Aluminum construction Blackened finish Ambidextrous functionality 5.56/.223/ 7.62x39 , 300 AAC , 6.8 etc.